As I sit here at my desk on Labour Day I just can’t believe how fast the summer has gone. The kids are enjoying their last day of summer, new backpacks and shoes are on the kitchen table for the first day of school tomorrow, and my desk (and mind) is filled with “To Do’s” for my business.
From a business perspective, my summer was quite busy. There has been a lot going on with our Intellibiz clients – good and bad. One thing keeps popping up as a key factor for every business owner – keeping informed of your finances.
The biggest mistake I have seen over the past 15+ years made by business owners is that they do not keep on top of their finances. Perhaps it is because they know the Intellibiz team is looking after the books, remittances, payroll etc. Although it is great to have such comfort with your bookkeeping/accounting staff, you are, as the business owner, at the end of the day responsible for your business and finances. Your bookkeeper/accountant cannot make key business decisions for you. Their job is to provide accurate and timely information about your finances so that you can use those numbers in your day to day decisions.
As accountants we are happy to sit and discuss the numbers with you, to offer an opinion if asked, or to investigate certain expenses/revenues if required. At Intellibiz we consider ourselves a very important part of your team and will act as such. But don’t forget to keep informed yourself as the final decision maker of your company.
If you need to get back into a business routine of checking your books let us show you how we can help. Call me at 905-775-9233 or email at today!